Tracking Ocean Sun
2015: This project was assigned to: Maurice G
Track the route of SRKW L-Pod (Southern Resident Killer Whales). Students will study SRKW traffic patterns and routes in the Straits of Juan de Fuca and Salish Sea
Summary: We are interested in learning more about the travel routes of the SRKW L-Pod members. This endangered pod of orcas travel all over the Salish Sea, up and down the straits of Juan de Fuca, the Georgia Strait and into Puget Sound. We are interested in finding out any of the answers to these questions:
- do they have a favorite spot that they frequent more often than others?
- do they summer somewhere?
- do they travel both straits and into Puget Sound seasonally?
- do you notice any patterns?
- how often does L Pod travels by Eastsound Cove in Washington?
- how often do they travel by Neah Bay?
We are not sure if their movements can be tracked or if the above questions can be answered with the information that is currently publicly available. If not that is okay, if you can find some of the answers that would be great.
Deliverable Option: You can supply a narrative by adding another page to this Google doc with your findings, opinions, observations and thoughts about this after you have done a bit of research on the subject matter. Do your best and give a good estimate based on what you can find about their travel patterns. Your own thoughts and ideas are welcome and encouraged. Please cite any sources you use by just adding a list of url’s at the end of the document.
Potential Resources, not an all inclusive list:
Click on the first map on this page. It will launch a movie that shows their route for a period of time:
NOAA – marine mammal satellite
Orca Network Sightings Historical Data
Puget Sound Whale Tracker – UW
Brad Hansen – Wildlife Biologist
Brad Hanson from NOAA mentions that it’s been documented a few times that the SRKW’s / L pod do travel past Noah Bay and could be more often then the documentation that they have. However; as for Eastsound, highly unlikely he states.