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Chicago, IL
 Ex SeaWorld Trainer and star of Blackfish

john hargrove ex seaworld trainerJohn Hargrove, age 39, has 14 years experience as a killer whale trainer,  His vast experience includes both SeaWorld of California and SeaWorld of Texas where he was promoted to the highest ranking Senior Trainer called a Senior 1.  Trainers at this level must be considered specialists in some area, his being waterwork and knowledge and application of behavior.  This skill set and reputation earned John the privilege of working with and swimming with the corporation’s most dangerous killer whales.

John gained international killer whale experience as a Supervisor with Marineland in the south of France.  In France he conditioned and performed waterwork (in-water interactions) with naive killer whales that had never swam with trainers before.

He resigned his position with SeaWorld in August 2012 and currently resides in New York City.


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